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by | Jan 21, 2024 | Post, Informative Climate-Friendly Gardening Blog | 0 comments

Will Cardus
January 21, 2024


The Best 3 Organic Fertilisers For Gardens

The Different Organic Fertilizers

Organic fertilizers are fertilizers that are naturally produced. Fertilizers are materials that can be added to soil or plants, in order to provide nutrients and sustain growth. These are derived from plant or animal sources and contain plant nutrients in organic form. Organic products tend to be slower acting, as large organic molecules have to be broken down by soil organisms before the nutrients within them are released for plant use.

Try to avoid synthetic fertilizer and use only organic fertilizers that aren’t fuel based. They should have the right compounds for your needs based on the tests you perform on your planting areas. You can use manure from cows, horses and from chickens but it’s best to leave it to rot down first as fresh manure can burn vegetation and roots of young plants.

What are the three major types of organic fertilizer?

Major types of organic fertilizer: Manure: Made from animal manure (cow, horse dung & goat droppings). Compost: Organic matter decomposed through composting. Rock Phosphate: Sedimentary rock which contains a high amount of phosphate minerals.

So, is Miracle Grow an organic fertilizer?

Can Miracle-Gro be used in organic gardens and is it safe to use? Miracle-Gro is not an organic fertilizer as it is made with chemicals or synthetic ingredients. The short answer: no. Standard Miracle-Gro “all purpose plant food” fertilizers are synthetic and should not be used in organic gardens.

And what's the best fertilizer for a vegetable garden?

8 top feeds to boost your harvests. Manure, Blood meal, Bone meal, Comfrey feed, Tomato feed, Sulphate of potash, Sulphate of ammonia and All-purpose food.

How to fertilize a garden organically

3 easy ways to organically fertilize your veggie garden.
While there are many ways to organically fertilize your veggie garden, these are 3 of the easiest!


  1. Top dress your plants with compost.
  2. Add a liquid fertilizer to your watering can.
  3. Apply a slow release organic fertilizer.

How to make organic fertilizer at home

To make easy organic fertilizers from manure, add a handful of aged manure into a bucket of water and allow it to mix and infuse for a day or so. Giving it a good stir every now and then. This water will then be ready to feed your plants.

Fertilising plants naturally

Best Homemade Natural Garden Fertilizers from Farmers’ Almanac. Here are 8 of our favourite DIY fertilizers for a variety of needs.
1. Grass Clippings. Grass clippings are rich in nitrogen.
2. Weeds. Weed tea makes great fertilizer.
3. Kitchen Scraps. Compost. Manure. Manure comes from a variety of sources — cows, horses, chickens, and even bats.
4. Tree Leaves. Rich in Nitrogen.
5. Coffee Grounds. The dry coffee grounds contain significant amounts of potassium (11.7 g/kg), nitrogen (2.8 g/kg), magnesium (1.9 g/kg), and phosphorus (1.8 g/kg).
6. Eggshells. Rich in potassium.
7. Banana Peels. Rich in magnesium.
8. Chickens – Chickens are great for gardening as their manure is a good source of nitrogen for your compost pile. They also work great as they can clear up to 50 square feet of land per chicken within six weeks.

General Garden Advice

Plant Cover Crops – Also, never leave your garden soil empty. Always replace crops with a crop cover of some kind to keep the soil healthy and manage erosion, weeds, and diseases. Plant grains, grasses, and legumes make good cover crops.

Trees and Shrubs – Control water runoff, plant damage, erosion, and even cool down a hot spot in your yard with the right trees and shrubs. Look for native plants for the best results that most fit your needs.

Using these methods, tools and your own bare hands, you can create a fruitful garden that gives you all the food you and your family need, while improving the environment instead of ruining it. In fact, if everyone used these same tools and practices in their gardening and yard care, we could help slow down climate change damage.


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